A staff uniform is becoming a more popular incentive for employees the longer the difficult economic situation continues. Everybody can see that being provided with work clothing is a worthwhile benefit, and that when that clothing is easy to care for, it’s a saving both on the wear and tear on personal garments and on the washing and laundering of them too.

So how does a company or organisation benefit from this process?

First, a uniform reveals something a company or business. It conveys an image that the organisation has chosen to adopt, and it displays that image in a way that works both up close and at a distance. If you see a person in a pin-striped suit carrying an umbrella, it conveys a different image to the same person wearing jeans and a hoodie. Organisations can typify themselves equally easily, depending on the garment they choose, the colours they select and the logo or other image that encapsulates their brand.

Polo shirts tend to be the default choice for workplace uniforms because they are unisex, culturally appropriate (as long as both long and short sleeved options are available) and come in a vast range of colours that can help shape an organisation’s identity.

While a corporate identity doesn’t just depend on uniform, the nature of the uniform can shape the identity of the organisation and the culture it develops.